Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy 26th Wedding Anniversary, MOM & DAD!

Our family went to Lawry's Five Crowns Restaurant to celebrate Mom and Dad's anniversary, and to save money, I offered to make desserts and we could enjoy them when we got home. Mom and Dad were all for it and I was excited to use my new cookbook. Jen's all time favorite dessert at Five Crowns is Créme Brúlée, so I had to make that and I also made Apple Pandowdy Pie. The Créme Brúlée I made was actually called Créme Brúlée Tartlets... as I told Jen, "Créme Brúlée will never be the same!" It was delicious and the pie was exquisite. There are so many versions of apple pie, and this was the first time I'd ever made a pandowdy pie. Soooo good! While both these recipes are fairly easy, I do not reccomned making both of these at the same time, especially if you are time constrained. Thankfully, Amy helped me by preparing the pie crusts and being my official "stirrer." We finished in time (including all the mess clean-up) and took the pie out of the oven as we were walking out the door to dinner... that's how it's done!

Here are links to the recipes:  Apple Pandowdy PieBasic Pie DoughBasic Tart Dough,  Créme Brúlée (The Créme Brúlée Tartlet Recipe isn't available online, but use the "Basic Tart Dough" recipe link--put that dough in about 6 Créme Brúlée dishes-- and then after those are fully baked, fill with the "Créme Brúlée" recipe link.)

Apple Pandowdy in the oven

Créme Brúlée Tartlet crusts in the oven

Créme Brúlée filling on the stove... get it thick, as to cover the spoon

while those are baking, I got going on those dishes! :/

After the Apple Pandowdy Pie has baked for 30min, take it out of oven, cut the crisscross slits, and sprinkle with sugar.

At this time I put my silicone pie crust protector on too... it is awesome! The Fink family gave me this for Christmas, as well as a rolling pin, pie crust weights, & the Williams-Sonoma: Pie & Tart Recipe Book, that I got these recipes from :) Thank you... you know me well!

These are the Créme Brúlée Tartlet Crusts after baking. They sagged a little, but there wasn't much I could do and it wasn't a big problem. My only suggestion is that if you make this, make sure the tart crusts are thin. This Créme Brúlée Set was a present from my cousin Andrea, and was perfect for this recipe... thanks Andrea!! 

I poured the Créme Brúlée filling inside the baked tart crusts and then, put them in the fridge to set (3-4hrs). 

Apple Pandowdy Pie out of the oven... it looked great! No burnt crust... oh, and this crust is a new recipe as well (way better than Betty Crocker's--while hers is still in close 2nd!). Note: as you can see I put the pie on a pan to catch the drips, but I forgot to put foil down, so now I have to scrub the pan :( If that ever happens to you, fill the pan with water and soak it with a dryer sheet. It should help lift the char. :)

I thinly slice my apples, instead of 1/2 in. normal slices. They tend to stay in the pie--rather than falling out-- and it stacks nicely, letting you have more room for apples.

Enjoy á la mode! (aka with ice cream)

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